Thursday, April 12, 2007

The trouble with tyrants.

matsam says:
The hair always win

rpggamer79 says:
*shakes fist in air........ One day the hair will be removed......

mist says:
icecypher's got the same problem as me right now

matsam says:
you don't see your posts?

mist says:
and anything after that

Princessk492 says:
yea i have the same problem

mist says to:
so i dont have a clue on whos winning in TOBOTSK!

Princessk492 says:
and then there's the whole main page not having the updated posts every once in a while

Princessk492 says:
it defeats the purpose of having the latest post section lol

rpggamer79 says):
Lemme see if KS is on........

matsam says:
yeah I have main page updating problems since 2.0 is on

matsam says:
sometimes I refresh and the posts are one day old

Princessk492 says:
yea same

MetroidXPS says:

rpggamer79 says:
hopefully he will get the issue worked out today if not tomorrow I will be all over his butt!

mist says:
steal his crown while your at it

Princessk492 says:
I... really don't want to see that rpg..

rpggamer79 says:

rpggamer79 says:
that did not sound right.......

rpggamer79 says:
now I feel dirty........


Anonymous said...

Rpggamer79 is one naughty SlimeKnights member...

Zeefer said...

the sequel should be interesting