Saturday, March 31, 2007

Quote of the night.

"oh crap! I should be looking instead of typing this! I don't want to be a penis pump!"

Friday, March 30, 2007

The trouble with Timotarou.

timotarou says:
Official Unofficial Timotarou Q&A~!

timotarou says:
5 questions, quick, anything you want..

PrincessK492 says:
cats or dogs?

PrincessK492 says:
"This question would be easier to answer..."

cloudsdream says:

Zeefer says:

Zeefer says:
that's terrible

timotarou says:
I used to say cats, but now I'm dogs.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The trouble with toying.

cloud1991 says:
im cute {tongue_smiley}

rika95 says to cloud1991:
Yep. You sure are.

cloud1991 says to PrincessK492 (private):

cloud1991 says:
gotta go

* cloud1991 quit the room

Sunday, March 25, 2007

An inside joke moment.

"Better Luck Next Time!"

Superdude687 says:
by the time they got there though the boy was passed out and the wasps were flying over him in victory planning their next attack on the academy

Superdude687 says:
sadly that story is true

Superdude687 says:
it happened my Junior Year

redslime25 says:
I don't know how to take your wasp story

* redslime25 ponders

Superdude687 says:
so I guess since the bees beat me I don't get to go in the Bee story page right?

Superdude687 says:
I'm glad it wasn't bees

globe199x says:
that's really up to redslime

redslime25 says:
I don't know man, I don't think the readers could handle a wasp story

Superdude687 says:
I'm allergic to bees

Superdude687 says:
I'd be dead

PrincessK492 says:
i don't have any allergies that i know of

globe199x says to Superdude687:
Better luck next time!

globe199x says:
with the victory, I mean, not about being dead

PrincessK492 says:

redslime25 says:
lol "Better luck next time!"

Superdude687 says:
you could call it...

Superdude687 says:
NOT a bee story

globe199x says:
"I was very nearly crushed to death"

globe199x says:
"Better luck next time!"

PrincessK492 says:
"I was molested by a stranger"

PrincessK492 says:
"Better Luck Next Time!"

PrincessK492 says:

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Question of the night.

"whoa what are YOU doing in your bed mist?"

Quote of the night.

"i'm more interested in my bed right now"

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

A debate on misapprehension.

Scene: The members of the chat, concerned, debate as to the whereabouts of one of the more prominent members. A suggestion is made, but from her inability to utilize a keyboard properly - lead to one of the classiest moments in SK Chat history.

Superdude687 says:
I think she knows where Zeefer is

kainnero says:
march break w/ girls on wild [nods]

redslime25 says:
lol "Girls on wild"

Superdude687 says:

PrincessK492 says:

Superdude687 says:

globe199x says:
yes! that

redslime25 says:

PrincessK492 says

redslime25 says:
Straight from the jungle, these girls do anything!

redslime25 says:
Girls on wild!

PrincessK492 says:
looks like red's starting his own business now

globe199x says:
I rented "Gorillas Gone Domesticated"

globe199x says:
"Get to the action!"

redslime25 says:
Slip the girl some GHB and introduce her to a Boar

redslime25 says:
And you get Girls on Wild!

Superdude687 says:

PrincessK492 says:

redslime25 says:
Order now and get the second DVD absolutely free!

redslime25 says:
A $50 dollar value - yours! - for 3 easy payments of $39.99

globe199x says:

Not even a half-minute after.

kainnero says:
which do you like more? cats or dogs?

redslime25 says:

redslime25 says:
suddenly gets a little too weird for even me

globe199x says:
this question would be easier to answer if we weren't just talking about bestiality

redslime25 says:
I don't wanna know the answer

redslime25 says:

PrincessK492 says:

kainnero says:

globe199x says:
if you really wanted to know, you picked a bad time

kainnero says:
hey it's not like i asked tiger or donkey {tongue_smiley}

globe199x says:
because that would be too obvious

redslime25 says:
notice that NO ONE has answered the question

kainnero says:

globe199x says:
it's fine, now that we know we're NOT talking about it

redslime25 says:
who is going to be the first to dip into that one

globe199x says:
so go ahead and answer, redslime

globe199x says:
it's just a preference, nothing more

redslime25 says:
haha yeah right

globe199x says:
say the first thing that comes into your head

globe199x says:
we won't judge you... why would we?

redslime25 says:
I ain't falling for that again

globe199x says:
cats or dogs?

redslime25 says:
... dogs

PrincessK492 says:

globe199x says:
HAHA!! you **ing pervert!

redslime25 says:

globe199x says:

globe199x says:
redslime wants to have intercourse with dogs

matsam says:
oh my...

PrincessK492 says:

redslime25 says:
Boy on Wild!

halobob says:
well thats his choice

PrincessK492 says:
haha you woke up everyone with that comment

globe199x says:
yeah, way to go, redslime

redslime25 says:
my bad

globe199x says:
let's keep it classy

matsam says:
Well I'll let you do your "stuff" Red...

PrincessK492 says:
stay away from MY dog!

matsam says:
I'll get some sleep, try to get those images out of my head

redslime25 says:
I'm going to go watch Girls On Wild season 2, screw you guys

redslime25 says:
You guys are such assholes hahaha

globe199x says:
now I just feel dirty when redslime is here

halobob says to matsam:
you'll probably dream those images

matsam says:

PrincessK492 says:
oh god XD

globe199x says:
we're assholes? well try this on for size, bucko: you are a lame orangutan

matsam says:
The soundtrack of my dream might be "Who let the dogs out"

globe199x says:
they call it puppy love

redslime25 says:
Oh man so, while we are talking about **ing animals, do you like cats or dogs more?

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

And now presenting: "Large, Mean-looking, Large-stingered Demons."

redslime25 says:
globe, earlier people were DEMANDING bee stories from me, and I told them that you had a real nail biter of a bee story

Zeefer says:

redslime25 says:
I still get nightmares about it

mist says:
tell us globe

globe199x says:

globe199x says:
well, all right

redslime25 says:
gather round all

* Zeefer sits cross-legged

* mist sits and listen

globe199x says:
it starts just before the crack of noon

globe199x says:
I am sound asleep

globe199x says:
SOUND asleep, sweating off a nasty hangover that I was glad to not be conscious for

globe199x says:
the reflection of the midday sun glints off a passing car and through the crack in my blinds

redslime25 says:
nice touch

globe199x says:
I doze, and shift toward the window right above my bed

globe199x says:
suddenly I hear a gentle humming

globe199x says:
and, half-awake, I realize it can't be the heater

matsam says:
I'm scared now

globe199x says:
I open my eyes and bring my hands up to rub them

globe199x says:
and my arms and hands are COVERED in bees

matsam says:
hands full of bees?

redslime25 says:
ack! I hate that part!

matsam says:

globe199x says:
like beard-of-bees covered

mist says:

globe199x says:
for a moment, I am too horrified to even freak out

globe199x says:
and, in the longest two seconds of my life, I survey the situation

globe199x says:
bees are everywhere on the window half of the room

globe199x says:
crawling in from the heater and covering the blinds and window

globe199x says:
everywhere on my bed

globe199x says:
under the covers

globe199x says:
on the ceiling

globe199x says:
in my pajamas

globe199x says:
in my hair

redslime25 says:
crawling in from the heater... man, can't get that image out

healuslol says:
you sure they were bees?

healuslol says:
and not cicadas

redslime25 says:

redslime25 says:
I don't think cicadas are in swarms... I'll have to ask the internet

Zeefer says:
cicadas can be swarms when you have 1.5 million per acre

matsam says:
I imagine an afro full of bees...ouch

Zeefer says:
cicadas... I don't want to think about those...

globe199x says:
oh, yes

globe199x says:
large, mean-looking, large-stingered demons

globe199x says:
buzzing furiously

globe199x says:
each of the thousand going about his or her bee way

globe199x says:

globe199x says:
I backflip out of bed

globe199x says:
and instantly rip off clothing and bees

globe199x says:
and I return a moment later dual-wielding Raid special bee-b-gone formula

redslime25 says:
probably looking boss

redslime25 says:
a headband tied at the back

globe199x says:
and I let the bees have it

matsam says:
haha, dual-wielding

globe199x says:
they fight with all their might

globe199x says:
it must have been two or three hives

globe199x says:
stinging my naked body, but at this point I felt nothing but fury

globe199x says:
I must have drowned more of them than poisoned

matsam says:
naked fighting, it's the best

globe199x says:
such was the accuracy of my Raid raid

globe199x says:
in the end, bees littered my house like.... like.... who saw 300?

redslime25 says:

mist says:
not me

matsam says:

globe199x says):
like the corpsiest battle of 300, squared

matsam says:
oh geez

globe199x says:
finally I lay down again to rest

globe199x says:
my home secure

globe199x says:
...or so I thought

globe199x says:
Next time: Globe versus the Queen!

Zeefer says:
aw... maybe we'll get a "~The End ~" next time

globe199x says:
~ To "Bee" Continued... ~

redslime25 says:
Hehehe, great story Globe

Zeefer says:

matsam says:
haha, nice Globe

mist says:
good one globe

globe199x says:

Monday, March 19, 2007

Artwork corner.

This particular piece is created by Sharjeel. Feel free to use it as a forum signature banner.

I encourage such acts of classiness.

The trouble with tendencies.

PrincessK492 says:
on a more serious note, i only hate 2 people in this world and that's Zach Hanson and Hilary Duff

healuslol says:
or Mat?

matsam says:

redslime25 says:
Zach Hanson, is that the one that looks like a chick?

PrincessK492 says:
all of them do

healuslol says:
all 3 look like chicks

PrincessK492 says:
but he stole my birthday and that's not cool

healuslol says:
Issac, Zac & Taylor

redslime25 says:
yeah... but one looks like a really hot chick

PrincessK492 says:

healuslol says:

redslime25 says:
ya Taylor hahaha

healuslol says:

redslime25 says:

healuslol says:

redslime25 says:
healus that's awesome

redslime25 says:
lemme copy this chat log

globe199x says:
Cut. Print. GAY.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

A debate on machinations.

Globe199x says to cloudsdream:
How appropriate - you fight like a cow!

rika95 says:

rika95 says:
Supercow was really funny! I never forget him! {lol_smiley}

cloudsdream says:

rika95 says:
I am not accusing cloudsdream of being supercow.

rika95 says:
I wonder if King Slime created supercow to test prospective moderators.

Globe199x says:
that's just the kind of crackpot theory I love

Zeefer says:
I hear that all construction on roads is done for the sole purpose of testing drivers ed people

rika95 says:
Interesting how supercow appeared just before the moderator selections were announced.

Globe199x says:
it doesn't sound like a coincidence to me

rika95 says:
Maybe it was a test to see how quickly the prospective mods could delete posts.

Globe199x says:
I'll bet that's right

CountSlime says:
who was supercow?

cloudsdream says:
he was a wonderful bovine

rika95 says:
Supercow was someone that said, "MOOOO!" all the time.

cloudsdream says:
very witty and eloquent with words

cloudsdream says:
oh and that....

rika95 says:
He was definitely witty and eloquent with words.

rika95 says:
Funny, I felt like I could understand him, even though all he said was, "Moo!"

Globe199x says:
he was a pioneer

Globe199x says:

redslime25 says:
nay, a prophet

Globe199x say:
no, a bot created by King Slime

Zeefer says:
no, a bill collector

rika95 says:
Yes, a bot created by King Slime.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Quote of the night.

"matsam you are a **ing idiot."

Thursday, March 15, 2007

The trouble with tangents.

Zeefer says:
so I've got a bee story

* globe199x gets popcorn-flavored Jelly Beans

Zeefer says:
oh man, I love those

globe199x says to (00:32):
yeah, they're almost as good as the toasted marshmallow ones

Zeefer says:
oh baby

globe199x says:
hey, redslime, I love the piano and the color scheme

globe199x says:
very classy

Zeefer says:
yeah, it really adds to the mood

globe199x says:
just like the ads

Megalosaro says:
what am I missing?

Megalosaro says:

Zeefer says:
the ads... hahaha

globe199x says:
"Sexual Abuse Charges? Aggresive Sexual abuse Attorneys. Free Consult, 24/7 at 866-955-LAWS"

matsam says:

Zeefer says:
What are you into?
Slime Knights Chat.

globe199x says:
"Child Molester Registry. Sex offender registry. Find out now if a child molester lives near you."

Megalosaro says:
Oh crap

Megalosaro says:
they're on to me

Megalosaro says:

globe199x says:
like I said, really adds to the classiness

globe199x says:
"Bees on your friend's nuts? Aggressive Sexual Abuse Attorneys. Free consult, 24/7 at 866-955-BNUTS"

redslime25 says:
Hahaha yeah the ads are funny

Zeefer says:
and I like red's classic white text on black he does on his blogs

matsam says:

matsam says:

globe199x says:
ah, I have a better pic of it:

Zeefer says:
I have the prototype of it

matsam says:
I have the lamest version I guess

Quote of the night.

"Princess won't bite your nuts Cy, don't even try"

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

A debate on malapropism.

Globe199x says:
what if I walked around as "Gggggglobe"?

cloudsdream says:

rika95 says:
Nothing wrong with extra g's.

cloudsdream says:
i would guess stuttering prob

redslime25 says:
stutters are victims are large apa-apa-apendedeedeegeegees

cloudsdream says:
see riky sometimes they just go off!! i have no idea what they are talking about

Globe199x says:
"that sounds like a personal problem"

Zeefer says:
yes you do, stop trying to have empathy

rika95 says:
I guess that's normal with SK chats.

rika95 says:
The people here talk in "code."

Zeefer says:
we each have a base set of topics we all speak of repeatedly

redslime25 says:

rika95 says:
apaduhge? Is that a word?

redslime25 says:
apaduhge (n) 1. Slang for a male penis.

cloudsdream says:

Globe199x says:

cloudsdream says:

cloudsdream says:

rika95 says to:

Globe199x says:
I've never heard that before

Globe199x says:
and I'm an expert on penis

Globe199x says:
I mean

Globe199x says:
on slang

Zeefer says:
anybody been on a safari recently?

CountSlime says:
No. Sadly, I'm all out of pith helmets and Khaki shorts at the moment.

rika95 says:
I suck at slang.

rika95 says (01:29):
I took a test that measures my slang knowledge, and I got less than half correct.

Globe199x says:
the internet says you made that definition up, redslime

redslime25 says:
look I don't justify words, I just make them up ok, if you have a problem with it, well than suck on my idiom

Globe199x says (01:30):
I know every slang term and idiom ever uttered

Globe199x says (01:30):
in every language

Globe199x says (01:30):
even fictional ones like "chizz major" and "Spluh!"

The debate ends.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

And now presenting: "A Bee Story."

Scene: redslime25 and globe199x are enjoying conversation.
Enter kingcloud.

kingcloud says:

globe199x says:

globe199x says:
we're talking about old toys

globe199x says:
nightmare bee stories

globe199x says:
and sordid online dating disasters

kingcloud says:
lol, ok

redslime25 says:
so the deal is kingcloud

redslime25 says:
you have to tell us your worst:
a) bee story
b) online dating horror
c) childhood toy

globe199x says:
no, wait

globe199x says:
tell us the best of those

kingcloud says:

redslime25 says:
in no particular order

kingcloud says:

globe199x says:
no! alphabetical, please

redslime25 says:
but don't do b or c first

redslime25 says:
and don't do c second

kingcloud says:
alright well me and my friend where high.....

globe199x says:
which do you think this is going to be, redslime?

globe199x says:
a bee story?

kingcloud says:
and we went to this rundown shack....

redslime25 says:
whichever one, I hope all three start off like that

globe199x says:
feel free to exaggerate

kingcloud says:
and we started a fire inside the shack

redslime25 says:
I know I did with my 3 inch bee story

kingcloud says:

redslime25 says:
ok fire in the shack, we're with you

kingcloud says:
this story is so funny

globe199x says:
"all of a sudden he gets this random text from this crazy online..."

redslime25 says:
ok fire in the shack

globe199x says:
sorry, we're with you

kingcloud says:
anyway i was on the ground laying down cause it was like 1 in the mourning

redslime25 says:
ok, high, fire in a shack, laying on the ground

kingcloud says:
and my friend said did you hear that

globe199x says:
oh, started a fire, like a contained fire

kingcloud says:
and i was like what?

kingcloud says:

globe199x says:
not a "let's burn this **ing place to the ground" one

kingcloud says:
no no

redslime25 says:
that's what I assumed

kingcloud says:
bee story

redslime25 says:
yeah ok, so there is a noise go on

kingcloud says:
anyway he was like "did you hear it" "there it is again"

kingcloud says:
and i looked up and there was this big bee on his nuts

redslime25 says:

kingcloud says:
remember were high

globe199x says:

redslime25 says:
was the bee 3 inches long?

globe199x says:
why were his nuts exposed??

globe199x says:
and why were you on the ground again?

kingcloud says:

kingcloud says:

kingcloud says:

kingcloud says:
on his shorts

globe199x says:
so you and your friend were on the ground naked getting high in an abandoned shack in the woods?

redslime25 says:
I can't handle this story

kingcloud says:

kingcloud says:

globe199x says:

kingcloud says:
its funny

globe199x says:
okay, bee on his shorts, I've got it

globe199x says:
we're serious now

kingcloud says:
i hit him in the nuts with my hat

globe199x says:
a natural reaction

redslime25 says:

kingcloud says:
and he got stung like 3 times in the face

globe199x says:
tell me it stung his junk

globe199x says:

redslime25 says:
in the face

redslime25 says:
oh man

globe199x says:
that's almost as bad

globe199x says:
3 times in the face

globe199x says:
that bee wasn't **ing around

redslime25 says:
like a dirty porn actress

globe199x says:

kingcloud says:
and he started screming "what the ** was that sumthin bit me"

globe199x says:
what if someone says something amusing now?

kingcloud says:
and then he looked at me and asked "did you see anything"

globe199x says:
what did you say?

kingcloud says:
and on his shirt was the bee

kingcloud says:
and bee got in his shirt and stung him like 8 more times

redslime25 says:
haha, bee wasn't done yet!

kingcloud says:
and he ran screming from the shack

globe199x says:
figure the smoke would have repelled him

globe199x says:
rather than infuriate him

globe199x says:
I like that it didn't even touch you

kingcloud says:
saying "somthins **ing biting me"

redslime25 says:
I like how you see a bee on your buds nuts and you whack it with a hat... totally sacking your friend, and the end result was him getting stung three times in the face

kingcloud says:

redslime25 says:
ok go on

kingcloud says:
story aint over

redslime25 says:
my bad, continue garcon

globe199x says:
"Something's **ing biting me!!" he cried out, stumbling from out the door in a panic.

kingcloud says:
well we made sure the bee was not in the shirt

kingcloud says:
and left to go to his home

kingcloud says:
halfway there he falls off his bike and starts screming wtf is wrong with this shirt, it turns out the bee was still in the shirt

redslime25 says:

globe199x says:

globe199x says:
it's the shirt

kingcloud says:
and thats the end

globe199x says:

redslime25 says:
I thought the ending was going to be "and it ended up to be aids all along"

kingcloud says:

globe199x says:

redslime25 says:
man (clapping) that was by far

redslime25 says:
the best bee story tonight

kingcloud says:
it turns out there is a very big hornets nest in the shack

redslime25 says:
dare I say ever in SK Chat history

globe199x says:
"We never did find that bee... but some say, on cold autumn nights, you can still hear his faint buzzing on your friend's nuts."

redslime25 says:

redslime25 says:

globe199x says:

kingcloud says:
i think it was 3 feet big it was crazy

kingcloud says:
the hive

redslime25 says:
I could imagine a 36 inch bee

redslime25 says:
nuts man

redslime25 says:

End scene.

On the topic of Comedy.

CountSlime says:
One time I had a teacher who worked at a radio station and this woman kept showing up at station events, and one night, when she worked the overnight shift, she tried to break into the station and the cops found her with a stun gun and handcuffs in her purse

rika95 says:
That is quite a story. What was she doing with a stun gun and handcuffs?

Zeefer says:

CountSlime says:
to use them to subdue him as she had her way with him.

rika95 says:

Globe199x says:
hehe, it makes light of a problem that deserves seriousness

Globe199x says:
comedy gold

rika95 says:

CountSlime says:
Almost as much so as domestick abuse.

Globe199x says:
*Comedy Tip* Don't forget about hurtful stereotypes!

rika95 says:
I do not know what a domestick is.

rika95 says:
Hurtful stereotypes are not funny at all!

Globe199x says:
Dome"shtick" abuse

rika95 says:
I do not know what Dome"shtick" abuse is.

redslime25 says:
Domeshtick abuse is when the husband plants banana peels all over the floor with recorded canned laughter ready at a push of a button

Globe199x says:

Zeefer says:
I don't quite like the tone of your voice. *gunshot*

rika95 says:
Okay. So it's waiting for someone walking over the floor to trip and fall?

Sharjeel says:
*runs off* o.o'

Globe199x says:
it's funnier than slapstickutory rape

Zeefer says:

redslime25 says to rika95:
Domeshtick abuse is if The Three Stoges were caught in a bizarre homosexual love triangle

rika95 says:

CountSlime says:
I'm Mac Tonight

redslime25 says:
give me a second to do slapstickutory rape... that's a toughy

cloudsdream says:

rika95 says:

Zeefer says:
you people and your fully quoted conversations

Globe199x says:
I thought it was good enough, given the specificity of the topics

rika95 says:

Globe199x says to CountSlime:
Little Mac?

cloudsdream says:
i turn my head for about a minute and your gang raping now?

Sharjeel says:
I wonder if I have any chat modding options. xP

rika95 says:

Zeefer says:
it's like when I went for a roast beef, then I came back to chat to see everyone I thought I knew on a table in a pile

CountSlime says:
I hate how they always paint the man in Domeshtick abuse cases as the vaudevillian.

rika95 says:
I do not know what vaudevillian is.

Zeefer says:
I like obscure quote too.

rika95 says:
There are so many words I do not know.

redslime25 says:
slapstickutory rape is like when a man pretends to hit a young woman in the face with a frying pan, then later finds out that it was illegal to do so under the current state law, and becomes a felon even though she agreed to the frying pan.

Sharjeel says:
Alright. @_@'

Sharjeel says:
<.< Can we not talk about rape..

cloudsdream says:
rika we need better nomination categories!! like most power hungry or most willing to die for the king award

Sharjeel says:
xD The most utadaist!

Zeefer says:
let's plan a group vacation to taco island instead

Globe199x says:
the suck-up-iest

rika95 says:
More nomination categories would be good.

Globe199x says:
no, let's go to festive Pen Island

redslime25 says:
fine.. if we can't talk about rape then I am going idle

Zeefer says:

Quote of the night.

"If you get rid of the 'r' it's cumpet"