Sunday, March 18, 2007

A debate on machinations.

Globe199x says to cloudsdream:
How appropriate - you fight like a cow!

rika95 says:

rika95 says:
Supercow was really funny! I never forget him! {lol_smiley}

cloudsdream says:

rika95 says:
I am not accusing cloudsdream of being supercow.

rika95 says:
I wonder if King Slime created supercow to test prospective moderators.

Globe199x says:
that's just the kind of crackpot theory I love

Zeefer says:
I hear that all construction on roads is done for the sole purpose of testing drivers ed people

rika95 says:
Interesting how supercow appeared just before the moderator selections were announced.

Globe199x says:
it doesn't sound like a coincidence to me

rika95 says:
Maybe it was a test to see how quickly the prospective mods could delete posts.

Globe199x says:
I'll bet that's right

CountSlime says:
who was supercow?

cloudsdream says:
he was a wonderful bovine

rika95 says:
Supercow was someone that said, "MOOOO!" all the time.

cloudsdream says:
very witty and eloquent with words

cloudsdream says:
oh and that....

rika95 says:
He was definitely witty and eloquent with words.

rika95 says:
Funny, I felt like I could understand him, even though all he said was, "Moo!"

Globe199x says:
he was a pioneer

Globe199x says:

redslime25 says:
nay, a prophet

Globe199x say:
no, a bot created by King Slime

Zeefer says:
no, a bill collector

rika95 says:
Yes, a bot created by King Slime.

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