Friday, October 5, 2007

On the topic of Weather.

cloudsdream says:
my thing is i am anti-skirt

Globe199x says:
anti skirt! {smile_smiley}

Globe199x says:
for shame

Globe199x says:
ehh, smiley?

Globe199x says:
I don't remember typing that

PrincessK492 says:

Globe199x says:

cloudsdream says:
if i could destroy them id be happy

PrincessK492 says:
i like skirts :/

Globe199x says:
oh, probably I typed colon closed parentheses and then shift-homed to delete

Globe199x says:
but the smiey--- yes... type everything you're thinking, Jon

cloudsdream says:
well i don't XD thats where me and my religion clash

Globe199x says:
I mean globe

Zeefer says to Healuslol (private):
for the love of Robotsk! what is happening?!

cloudsdream says:
i hate skirt

cloudsdream says:
lenght is not even a factor!

Globe199x says:
"hoist those skirts a little higher!"

cloudsdream says:
women are so vulnerable in them XD

Globe199x says:
stay away from vents in the sidewalk

Zeefer says:
long skirts and picking flowers in a field is the best thing ever

PrincessK492 says:
you're only vulnerable if you look like a victim, no matter what you wear

Zeefer says:
I speak from 1st hand experience

Healuslol says to Zeefer (private):

Healuslol says to Zeefer (private):
Cloudy hates Skirts

Healuslol says to Zeefer (private):

Zeefer says to Healuslol (private):
skirts are so cool!

Zeefer says to Healuslol (private):
this infuriates me

Zeefer says to Healuslol (private):

Globe199x says:
what if you wear things that do or do not make you look like a victim?

cloudsdream says:
yeah.. but i feel like a victim in them XD

PrincessK492 says:
globe i think your question is answered in my statement lol

cloudsdream says:
but they are so uncomfy

Globe199x says:
you're vulnerable to pro-skub terrorists if you wear an anti-skub t-shirt

PrincessK492 says:
i find them to be pretty comfortable

cloudsdream says:
i don't know... its like wearing a towel XD

PrincessK492 says:
i usually wear shorts or pants though

Zeefer says:

Globe199x says:
you only look vulnerable to bullies if you wear a "Unicorn Power!" t-shirt

Zeefer says:
did someone mention those antiskub bastards?!

PrincessK492 says:
skirts i wear on to nice occassions or if i just feel like it and it's a nice day

PrincessK492 says:

cloudsdream says:

cloudsdream says:
i don't know

Globe199x says:
someone mentioned the incident where a fight broke out because some pro-skub asshole couldn't keep his meaty fists to himself

cloudsdream says:
im not tomboyish, but im not girly

PrincessK492 says:
lol i suppose i'm pretty girly

cloudsdream says:
i wanna be asexual! then my life would be easy

Zeefer says:
it's best to wear a skirt when there is a stiff breeze

Globe199x says:
oh, well done

Globe199x says:
who ever would have PBFerenced THAT one?

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