are you done Princess?
Princessk492 says:
I don't know, are you
matsam says:
matsam says:
matsam says:
what do you have to offer?
Megalosaro says:
Well excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me princess
Princessk492 says:
i'll show you mine if you show me yours
* Megalosaro
matsam says:
hamburger time again huh?
matsam says:
matsam says:
Mind if I bring my handcuffs?
matsam says:
Saro already has his...
Princessk492 says:
sure thing, handcuffs are fun
matsam says:
You can strap us both, then it's up to you...
matsam says:
use them! QUICK!
Princessk492 says:
oh baby
* Princessk492 rika straps mat and saro with rings of poop
matsam says:
oh...mmm...what are you doing with that dildo honey?
matsam says:
That's for Saro?
cloudsdream says:
Princessk492 says:
oh baby we can share
cloudsdream says:
that crosses the lone
MetroidXPS says to Princessk492:
Guys... knock it off
matsam says:
cloudsdream says:
i know we are adults
cloudsdream says:
but sweesh
Princessk492 says:
Globe199x says:
cloudsdream, if you think that crosses the line
Globe199x says:
for the love of god, don't scroll up
* Healuslol is mentally scarred
Princessk492 says:
MetroidXPS says:
not funny
matsam says:
MetroidXPS says:
cloudsdream says:
cloudsdream says:
cloudsdream says:
i idle
Healuslol says:
so gross....
cloudsdream says:
and you guys make this into a rated MA chat room?
Globe199x says:
and then some
Princessk492 says:
Princessk492 says:
it's our sense of humor
matsam says:
Princessk492 says:
we're a crude bunch
matsam says:
it's RedSlime's fault!
MetroidXPS says:
it's disgusting
* matsam throws away handcuffs
Globe199x says:
"so what do you guys call your act?"
Globe199x says:
"The Aristocratsk!"
Megalosaro says:
Healuslol says:
haha Globe
Megalosaro says:
I love that joke >_>
Healuslol says:
matsam says:
Megalosaro says:
The bob sagat version is the ebst
matsam says:
"The kid's eye pops, he sees an opportunity"
* Healuslol listens to Promiscuis Daughter
Healuslol says:
*** Welcome to Slime Knights Chat , redslime25 !
redslime25 says:
Ok i'm back now
Princessk492 says:
promiscuios is a good song
Princessk492 says:
MetroidXPS says:
wb red
redslime25 says:
Did I miss anything?
matsam says:
you just missed it man
redslime25 says:
Princessk492 says:
you missed the best cybering eva!
matsam says: missed the final blast
redslime25 says:
Globe199x says:
King Slime came in and started this crazy raunchy sex rant
cloudsdream says:
im disgusted
redslime25 says:
Haha oh that dawg King Slime
MetroidXPS says:
me too
cloudsdream says:
im glad zeefer left
Globe199x says:
Metroid too
MetroidXPS says:
You guys really went too far
redslime25 says:
Yeah Zeefer went way too far
Globe199x says:
Zeefer's mind is so pure and innocent
Princessk492 says:
Zeefer really did
Globe199x says:
it would have scarred him
redslime25 says:
He should be ashamed of himself
redslime25 says:
Pretending to be Sharjeel, just no respect for authority
Princessk492 says:
he should be banned for fraud
Globe199x says:
aren't there rules against that sort of thing?
* matsam nods
Globe199x says:
this chat room is supposed to be a comfortable place
Princessk492 says:
for the children!
redslime25 says:
I didn't think the Sharjeel impersonation was disguisting though, I mean, I thought it was a half-decent performance
redslime25 says:
Uncalled for, but you gotta commend the guy
Globe199x says:
if you're disgusted by transgenderism, you're a racist
Globe199x says:
that's what this is really about, I think
matsam says:
redslime25 says:
mat, grow up a little bit
matsam says:
matsam says:
I know I'm not tall enough...
Princessk492 says:
yea, what the hell, it's ok to be transgendered
matsam says:
Princessk492 says:
don't get you panties in a twist
matsam says:
yeah, I'd so be that if I weren't normal
matsam says:
matsam says:
twisted panties are a hassle
Princessk492 says:
are you going to say "what am I implying?" oh I think you know..
cloudsdream says:
guys please don't ever chat like that in the main chat
redslime25 says:
Left click "RedSlime25" and then click "Ignore".
Princessk492 says:
yea, you guys could have ignored us if it really bothered you'
cloudsdream says:
cloudsdream says:
but this is not the place for that
Globe199x says:
I don't think they should have to
matsam says:
Pushing the limit
matsam says:
it was an experiment
Princessk492 says:
lol shut up globe
Globe199x says:
go to private chat and say whatever you want
cloudsdream says:
Princessk492 says:
it wasn't even THAT bad
redslime25 says:
Frankly I don't want to live in a world where poop sex can't be openly joked about on a Dragon Quest fansite chatroom
Angelus says to cloudsdream:
If members abuse the chat rooms by posting obscenities, personal and racist attacks, alcohol and drug related content, or other out-of-hand comments
Angelus says to cloudsdream:
, the following will be the course of action: 200 points lost upon the first offense; 500 points lost upon the second
offense; membership termination upon the third offense.
cloudsdream says:
i know, but i don't think sk main chat should be getting into that kind of inuedo
Globe199x says:
it's inappropiate for this room and you know it
Princessk492 says:
hahaha red
cloudsdream says:
matsam says:
oh no! rules!
matsam says:
Princessk492 says:
redslime25 says:
No alcohol related content here
cloudsdream says:
hey i love you guys, but i do not mind sending the classy part of the chat to KS
Globe199x says:
you shouldn't obey it because it's a rule, you should obey it out of respect for other Slime Knights
matsam says:
we were discussing Rika's blog after all
Princessk492 says :
hey, I don't care if I'm banned or lose mms, it's no big deal to me
redslime25 says:
ooohhh an ultimatium
redslime25 says:
I love it
Princessk492 says:
I can still chat with anyone who wants to talk to me
*** Angelus lost connection, left the room
Globe199x says:
there goes Angelus
redslime25 says:
I do not mind using the power of the internet to crush you
Globe199x says:
he's very uncomfortable around conflict
redslime25 says:
redslime25 says:
Princessk492 says:
lol and if not, I can just turn off my computer and talk to other people
Megalosaro says:
Can I tell a joke?
Princessk492 says:
sure thing!
redslime25 says:
I don't know Saro
Princessk492 says:
we're a jokey bunch here
redslime25 says:
Cloudsdream might be offended
Megalosaro says:
So this family goes to a talent agent
redslime25 says:
And send the log of you telling the joke to KS
Megalosaro says:
There is a father, a mother, a daughter and a son
matsam says:
matsam says:
Globe199x says:
uh oh
Megalosaro says:
you know, the typical nuclear family
redslime25 says:
You better stop Saro
matsam says:
offend alert!
Globe199x says:
cloudsdream, it's very important that you ignore megalosaro
redslime25 says:
Cloudsdream does not mind sending the classy part of the joke to KS
matsam says:
but...KS loves the classy parts!
Megalosaro says:
the father tells the agent that he thinks they have a class act
Globe199x says:
before the ** hits the fan
Megalosaro says:
so the agent asks to see
Globe199x says:
or the family, more likely
Megalosaro says:
the father begins by saying "knock knock"
Princessk492 says:
haha nice pun globe
Globe199x says:
Megalosaro says:
to which the mother says "who's there"
Megalosaro says:
and then the father says "cow sez"
Megalosaro says:
and the daughter says "cowsex who"
redslime25 says:
Saro seriously, Cloudsdream might get offended and tell KS on you
redslime25 says:
Stop now
Megalosaro says:
and then the father says "no you moron, cow sez moo"
Megalosaro says:
and then he punches her in the face >_>
Megalosaro says:
the end
Princessk492 says:
Globe199x says:
matsam says:
redslime25 says:
Globe199x says:
now tell the one with Robo and Crono
Megalosaro says:
I have the best version of the Aristocrats joke
Globe199x says:
it had better be a real version, and not some lame trying-to-be-clever cop-out
Megalosaro says:
That was my joke >_>
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