Wednesday, March 14, 2007

A debate on malapropism.

Globe199x says:
what if I walked around as "Gggggglobe"?

cloudsdream says:

rika95 says:
Nothing wrong with extra g's.

cloudsdream says:
i would guess stuttering prob

redslime25 says:
stutters are victims are large apa-apa-apendedeedeegeegees

cloudsdream says:
see riky sometimes they just go off!! i have no idea what they are talking about

Globe199x says:
"that sounds like a personal problem"

Zeefer says:
yes you do, stop trying to have empathy

rika95 says:
I guess that's normal with SK chats.

rika95 says:
The people here talk in "code."

Zeefer says:
we each have a base set of topics we all speak of repeatedly

redslime25 says:

rika95 says:
apaduhge? Is that a word?

redslime25 says:
apaduhge (n) 1. Slang for a male penis.

cloudsdream says:

Globe199x says:

cloudsdream says:

cloudsdream says:

rika95 says to:

Globe199x says:
I've never heard that before

Globe199x says:
and I'm an expert on penis

Globe199x says:
I mean

Globe199x says:
on slang

Zeefer says:
anybody been on a safari recently?

CountSlime says:
No. Sadly, I'm all out of pith helmets and Khaki shorts at the moment.

rika95 says:
I suck at slang.

rika95 says (01:29):
I took a test that measures my slang knowledge, and I got less than half correct.

Globe199x says:
the internet says you made that definition up, redslime

redslime25 says:
look I don't justify words, I just make them up ok, if you have a problem with it, well than suck on my idiom

Globe199x says (01:30):
I know every slang term and idiom ever uttered

Globe199x says (01:30):
in every language

Globe199x says (01:30):
even fictional ones like "chizz major" and "Spluh!"

The debate ends.


Anonymous said...

rpggamer and his superfluous G's

Anonymous said...

ggosh you guys stopp ppickin on mme....